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Who am I?


I am currently studying FdSc Environmental Conservation & Countryside Mgmt. at Nottingham Trent University after having obtained a BTEC level 3 in Horticulture. This is all part of a progressive career change looking to utilise previous commercial experience to advance a career within Environmental Conservation/Woodland Mgmt. /Ecological surveying. The decision to leave a stable and proven work environment was driven by a desire to make a difference to our heritage and what we leave, environmental speaking, of value for future generations; it is for me to make a positive and tangible effort in protecting our environment and help conserve parts of our world.


  • Protect – our wildlife heritage against further destruction and removal

  • Enhance – the understanding people of how important nature is to our wellbeing

  • Preserve – for future generations that which we have been lucky to experience

  • Aspiration - to help protect and enhance biodiversity of landscapes and wildlife in rural and urban areas in order to preserve heritage for future generations, a desire to be part of developing conservation strategy, policy and management


I want to be part of helping to make a difference in maintaining/preserving or enhancing part of the environment so that it becomes something of value to society; whether it is for aesthetic or educational value.

A period of my life was spent living on a hill farm in Derbyshire where I was lucky enough on a daily basis to work and live in a challenging, but ultimately wonderful environment; a part of the surrounding heathland and woodland provided habitat to particular species of fauna and wildlife. At times I was able to walk around and really appreciate what nature had provided; it is important that areas similar to this are kept safe and secure, not only just the fact it is “nice”, but because it plays an important role in the biodiversity of wildlife.


I want to be part of the solution, not the cause, of our environment/conservation issues and feel that my experience and skills gained through previous work give me the tools that will be a valuable asset to an organisation involved in protecting our heritage.


Kind regards,


Neil Smith



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